Sessions are tailored to fit the specific needs of a school, district/board or organization by consulting with them prior to an event. Pricing and length of sessions are negotiable.
Interactive Sessions
Anti-oppressive Framework: What is it? What does it look like in practice?
What is Culturally Relevant Pedagogy? Why does it matter in school communities and in classrooms?
Intersectionality: Where Feminism, Anti-Racism, Anti-Classism, Anti-Homophobia and Anti-Transphobia Come Together
Addressing and Challenging Microaggression
Navigating Competing Human Rights in the Workplace
What is fair? Equitable Assessment Practices
Inquiry Learning – How teachers can see, over time, how to realistically integrate more inquiry-based learning into the context of their own classrooms. K-3 focus, 4-6 focus, 7-9 focus
Comprehensive, Structured & Inclusive Literacy
New Teacher Retention
Mentoring for Educational Growth and Leadership
Promoting Excellence in Educational Coaching Teams: Training for Facilitating Critical Conversations and Implementing Anti-Oppressive Framework in Leadership